The words Only Now A row of animated trees of different shapes and sizes



Purpose & Mission

Pillars of Happiness


Money & Wealth

About Scott Norris

Scott with a cat in his rucksack

Hey, I'm Scott—nice to meet you. Thanks for taking an interest in my story. This website is intended to be a place for me to create and write freely. To grow my own wisdom whilst also sharing ideas and thoughts on the things I wish I had had access to much earlier in my life.

Through this site, I will explore the notion of living a happy and fulfilled life. I believe no single person has all the answers, but the less time you spend searching, the further they will drift away from you.


Jump to a specific section:

  1. Who am I?
  2. My Proudest Personal Achievements
  3. Current Ambitions
  4. What Will You Get From My Writing

Who Am I?

Here are some facts about me:

This is my third handcrafted website. I learnt to code in down time working at Aardman Animations as a camera assistant and built the hiking and photography website Radventures. My second website was attached to a YouTube channel where my wife, Ella, and I taught Chinese.

This is my second creative outlet. My first is making films for Chinese social media. We currently have over 200K people following our videos. We also upload to YouTube.

Since hitchhiking across Europe during university, I have tried to make travel a part of my lifestyle. It took many years to actualise, but I am now living that lifestyle and writing from the beach of Himarë, Albania.

Books and words are currently my biggest passions. I love reading philosophy or fantasy. Landscape photography, rock climbing, guitar and language learning are close seconds.

I happily admit I would not be where I am today without Ella. She has improved every facet in my life with an uncanny conistency.

Scott, Ella and the dog Misty

(Ella’s the one on the right 😛)

My Proudest Personal Achievements

Current Ambitions

One reason that I started this site was to learn how to answer many of the personal questions that Ella and I recieve through social media with greater confidence. In the research I do for this site, it’s my hope that I can provide excellent answers to people with similar struggles.

Two big issues that I want to be a part of the solution for are climate change and quality education.

Though I continue to help through individual actions, I’d like to make this a more automated part of my life and expand the quality and effect of my impact.

What Will You Get From My Writing?

I don't know much about Steve Jobs, but he has inspired something in me through his actions. After his death, he gifted each of his friends with a book called Autobiography of a Yogi. It’s a rather bizarre book that details the life journey of Paramahansa Yogananda and his life's quest.

One friend of Jobs explained this gift by saying it was a message to “actualise yourself.” I hadn’t heard of this concept before.

Whether this is really what Jobs intended or simply an interpretation by his friend, I like it.

Actualise yourself: make yourself real.

The work on this site is created under the umbrella of actualising yourself. It’s divided into categories which are intended to be areas for study and practice in the pursuit of your ideal life.

Practice is the key element.

It’s my intention that you are able to implement ideas that enhance aspects of your life the second you close this screen.

A little green sapling fleuron

I’ve found that the more wisdom I uncover for improving myself, the more closely self-improvement is intwined with contribution to others.

Change happens in the tiniest of increments.

I believe that in helping one another, we can realise the potential in ourselves and improve the space around us.